Goin‘ West – Sea, Sun’n’Senegal
The long trip from Burkina Faso 2 the coast of Senegal.
The long trip from Burkina Faso 2 the coast of Senegal.
From Kayes we moved on towards the Senegalese border. Lots of Malian trucks were on the road which was more or less ok.
Of course, in Kayes we had to lodge in the historic Railway hotel.
Just sick in Bobo Dioulasso. Thank you Dankan Restaurant.
From liberal Central Ghana to the more conservative north, then on to the west of Burkina Faso.
From Ghanas western coast to Cõte d’Ivoire. Then back to central Ghana.
Along Ghana’s coast, fishing villages, and golf forts.
Crossing Togo to reach Ghana. A trip thru jungle, voodoo, and terrible food.
After all dangers in Togo, leaving the country and entering Ghana was not as easy as we thought it would be.
On to Lomé. Here we discovered some interesting issues.