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On the Way to Paraguay

About 1500km to reach Paraguay. A journey thru western Uruguay along the homonymous river. Then into Argentina’s northernmost part. This region leaves a rather poor impression despite the vast pastures and reforestations. It’s mainly a drive thru flat, sparsely populated land to finally reach Encarnacion in Paraguay. The Argentinian dream of a shopper’s paradise.

Out of South America

Our very last post of this trip thru South America. It’s about Argentina’s capital Buenos Aires, then Uruguay: Colonia de Sacramento and Montevideo. To park Prado for the next months. Finally the flight back to Swizzyland in 1 of these sardine tins they call a plane.

Out of Patagonia

The last days in Patagonia, Chiloé Island, and some tourist hotspots in Chile’s and Argentina’s Lake District. Then the long drive thru the Pampa to reach Mar del Plata on Argentina’s east coast. Finally to Tandil on the way to Buenos Aires.