Lucerne, 14th October 2019

Imagine. You’re enjoying beautiful summer in sunny’n’hot Swizzyland. You’re used to sneak every day to the nearby seashore for a swim. Later you sip an overprized beer in a seashore lounge. And in the evening, you burn down your house during ur all-important BBQ.
And 1 day you get up and discover the snow on the other side of the valley. Still on the top of the mountains, but still snow.
At least for us, time to prepare to return to Mexico.
And for you time to reload your jealousy. Immediately.
Return to Mexico – that’s the very thing we’ll do. Next Monday.
But let’s go back to the point where the Swizzy adventure started. Back to last May. We’ve arrived from Mexico. Escaped the fierce heat of Baja California. A short stop-over in Swizzyland. Then we’re on our way to Lanzarote, Spain.
Of course, because of the beauty of the island. Much less because of the terrible food they dare to offer to tourists. Or the incredible British tourists. Many of them resembling to Boris Johnson once he’ll be fired as UK’s most efficient Premier.

Whatever, the real reason for being in Lanzarote is La Academia in Costa Teguise. The place we opted for to perfect our Spanish. 1 month, just Spanish lessons from 9am – 1pm. Followed by what they call deberes – a kind of punishment for those who didn’t understand anything during the lessons.
The lessons seem to be perfect for us. A maximum of 3 participants. A lot of conversation. 1 of the teachers from Argentina – so we can learn South America’s language specialties. And all cheaper than the guys in La Paz, Mexico.
Accommodation: a cosy apartment next to the beach in the center of Costa Teguise. Booked thru Tripadvisor to avoid Airbnb’s commission. Better value than Airbnb offers in La Paz.

Despite the stress of learning Spanish, the opportunity to climb a few volcanoes. And to enjoy the not so fascinating nightlife mainly dedicated to elderly Boris-Johnson-clones.
Whatever. Alternatively, time to bone up Spanish verbs and to enjoy a Tempranillo.

Back to Swizzyland. It’s unusually hot. Around 38°. Looks like the announced climate change has finally reached the Swizzies.
Yet an opportunity for a swim in Lake Lucerne and to enjoy Lucerne’s mid-summer nights …

… and for some hiking in the nearby alpine heights to admire the last remaining glaciers.
Of course, there are some more guys realizing that by now we have a rather sweaty climate. Some even start demonstrating against the famous Swizzy politics of doing nothing against climate change. Still remains our feeling it’s not really their own awareness or initiative. It’s more about Greta Thunberg’s school strike they considered pretty cool and quite exemplary. Whatever, something even starts in sleepy Swizzyland.
Supposedly Greta was so surprised of her influence on sluggish Swizzy protesters that she even was encouraged to travel to Uncle Don’s New York. To explain the necessity to act to the most important world leaders.
There’s even a rumor that Greta accidentally bumped into the greatest leader ever. According to our information they may have greeted each other. Nevertheless, it seems Greta could not sustainably influence Donald Great – maybe because the current administration already changed climate in the US some time ago.

In Swizzyland her influence may be slightly more important. Green parties suddenly seem to gain importance over the conservative 1s. And there are parliamentary elections this October. Thus, other parties quickly announce how much they do to avoid further global warming, announce world saving programs to immediately’n’sustainably reduce carbon dioxide and refer to their longstanding hidden agenda to fight climate change. Provided it’s the plain truth, Swizzyland will immediately transform into the ultimate trailblazer for ice cold winters and temperate summers over the next 50 000 years.
Strangely, many of these newly green-coated parties still promote the purchase of new combat aircrafts for the glorious Swizzy army. Probably to fight Lichtenstein’s cavalry anytime prone to violence.
Please Greta, maybe you may suggest Swiss politicians to better use these billions to make houses more energy efficient and less polluting, or maybe start a real program for renewable energy.

Of course, not for all parties it’s that easy to get this green coat on a very short notice. And of course, this especially applies to the populist right nationalists – the Swiss Vüdli Pürger (SVP). They continue their polemic about the lack of arriving immigrants as a base of their program of splendid isolation.
Nevertheless, they also progress considerably – even without realizing it. Now they promote the ultimate solution to all this fashionable greenish thinking of other parties. They simply declare Swizzyland too small’n’insignificant for any climate related actions. Consequently, they’re aiming a global solution to stop climate change.
Whatever you think about this great idea, it’s the very 1st time these guys realize that there’s a world outside Swizzyland. And that of course is an immense progress in their politics.
We still think of a new slogan for their campaign. Thinking globally, acting narrow minded might be 1. 1 candidate for parliament already formulated another 1: more Heidi, less Greta.
Probably it’s too late by now. A substantial loss is predicted for them.
Enough of politics. We have to go back to reality.
To pack for the trip to Mexico and then on to Central America.
To say goodbye to everybody and to find out if we still know some Spanish.