Coming out of the Tankwa Karo National Park we had some minor problems. One of our brand new (!!!!) tires burst.Changing tires is no problem, but finding an appropriate tire was quite a problem. To solve the problem, there are specialised companies. One of them is SupaQuick. As the name pretends, they do not take too much time to solve your problem – once they know what to do. On calling SupaQuick in Upington, immediately they understood that we need a tyre – probably they do not sell anything else than tyres. They could even find the desired brand and called back within a few minutes to confirm that it is next to available – meaning not exactly the model, but a better one at a cheaper price. Great, only after some research on internet we understood, that the tyre was perfect for car racing and shopping trips to Sandton Mall, but less suitable for Namibia’s gravel roads. Next morning the Supaquick guy in Upington admitted (after consulting his colleague, his 2nd girlfriend and the local politicians) that he made a mistake. He’ll organise immediately another one, another brand, suitable for gravel roads, correct dimensions until the next day. After arriving the next day in Upington in SupaQuick he repeated supaquickly his order, ensuring us that we would get the tyre by tomorrow at 9 am. At 9 am this famous day he phoned us to inform that it would take another day, week, month or year. We bought it finally in a small town in Namibia within a few hours.