Lucerne, 2nd March

Imagine – a few days ago there was snow in Las Vegas. What an opportunity for Nevada’s ski industry: skiing on the endless slopes of the pyramid of Las Vegas’ Luxor Hotel.
At the same time we’re strolling along Lake Lucerne’s lido. At 14° C, not F. Imagine, what a huge chance for the development of the lake’s winter water ski industry for US tourists suffering from Las Vegas’ Siberian climate.
But let’s go back to the beginning of our current hibernation.

Well, mid-August of last year we had to fly back from Uncle Don’s Own Paradise to Swizzyland’s Laufaburg. Not because we’ve been tired of munching greasy hamburgers every day. No, definitely not. Well, maybe a little bit – it’s evident that we’ve never ever thought of visiting a hamburger munchery since we’re back in Swizzystan.

Whatever. The real motivation to return was simply that we moved from tiny Laufaburg to more lively Lucerne.

Of course we’re missing Laufaburg. Maybe not the town itself, or its revenue service. But the shops on the other side of the border. These shops where you can buy all these goodies brave Swizzies even don’t dare to dream of. And all that for half the price.
But of course there’s a downside of all these delights – at least for those patriotic Swizzies believing in everyday’s local publicity – it’s not made in Swizzyland, thus it’s not good. Simple as that. Maybe a result of a slightly misleading Being 1st Policy of some nationalist parties.
Of course, Lucerne has much more to
As usual there are also some real incredible events on the political level.
Of course, the Swiss Vüdli Pürger (SVP) – the Swiss Fuddy-Duddies remain active. Unfortunately for them, only a few refugees arrive from countries less fortunate than Swizzyland. So it’s not easy for real SVPies to further justify their existence. As these guys cannot decide to migrate to Central Congo or to commit immediate mass suicide they do their level best to re-establish
Evidence suggests that there must be more in Swizzie’s politics than the fuddy-duddies. Currently, the Socialists are not very visible. Everybody got used to their red socks and the different scandals on social media do not enhance their socializing strategies.
Then the green 1s. There are rumours that they try to give Swiss snow a greenish colour to be more visible during winter time. Who knows, maybe it failed or ecologically it was not considered too appropriate for the party
Finally, there are the guys representing the political middle. At least some people still insist that they exist. Maybe in the
Enough politics. We have more important issues: we have to decide on how to continue our trip to Ushuaia, Argentina.
Currently, the question remains if we should pursue exploring the US. It’s not only a question of this sticky’n’greasy industrial food. It’s also a question of personal security. We come to know that recently a national emergency has been declared in the US to avoid all kind of criminals, drug traffickers and rapers immigrating through the southern border.
And currently it’s uncertain if even the Most Efficient US Administration Ever is really able to build the planed insurmountable wall at its border to avoid all these incredible dangers within the next 2 weeks. Who knows if all these bad guys won’t find ways to bypass it. And who knows, if all these guys have not entered the country before they could finish the wall.

Maybe it would be safer to go to the better side of the great American – Mexican Friendship Wall.
We’ve learned on Fox News that all these bad guys are entering the US to convert it into hell. Consequently, paradise must be on the other side of its southern border. Thus Mexico.
Finally, we decide on a compromise. A much smaller tour than initially

Of course, remains the question if it’s advisable to travel to the US if even renowned travel agencies in Swizzyland opt for alternatives.
Well, there’s a reason to ignore that: we’ve already bought our tickets to Las Vegas. With Condor Airlines. You know, this sado-company making 95,63% of worldwide chicken transport.
So reload your jealousy, feel pity with us on 7th March – the day we convert into chicken and wait impatiently for the next post. To be released soon.