We arrived at the gate of the multi-stars all-inclusive hotel that will be our all beloved home for the next 3 days. A gate strongly resembling to the immigration gate at the border to another country. A uniformed guide questioned us about the reason of our presence in our medium clean car in front of the gate. Finally he accepted that we would be guests. Well, probably his gesture tried to express that we’re well appreciated clients – in absence to any further command of English.
We passed the gate. We had the impression we arrived in a different world, at least in a kind of an exterritorial territory. Definitely we knew somehow to have left Turkey. All looks different, nobody speaking Turkish and nowhere any cats roaming around.
At the reception Martin wanted to know the reality behind the term all-inclusive. Quickly he learned that the hotel’s management understanding was somehow limited to free access to a shelter and food’n’drinks. For any further services the hotel declined all responsibilities. This all would depend on Martin’s proper initiative. Remains just the question how to take the initiative if the average age of any female guest was well over 75 years. At least Monika was happy with his situation.
They showed us our shelter – and here we were. We had to get used to our new environment. Our 1st impression was somehow that of a prison. Nevertheless most inhabitants did not really resemble to criminals. So we must be mistaken. We had to continue our exploration and later on to come to a more consistent conclusion. We continued our research on the hypothesis of an industrial husbandry complex for humans. Whatever, let’s see…
In addition to the shelter where the hotel management wanted us to stay during the night we found a similar place for our daytime storage. They called it the beach area. It looks as well organised as such a place in an industrial chicken husbandry.
The daytime area was some 500 sunbeds large and 7 to 8 ranges wide. Between the sunbeds there was a space of some 50cm – probably a measure to avoid conflicts and aggression due to very high population density.
As far as we could observe they definitely took care of all needs of the husbandry’s inhabitants – of those who still need them as well as of those who need them again.
The sunbeds were either protected by a kind of carpool shades or individual sunshades. This measure effectively avoided the poor guys to be grilled in the sun immediately.
As far as we understood everybody in the daytime area had to reserve his sunbed early in the morning by throwing all kind of worthless stuff on the chairs to signal its tenure. Later on – after a 1st food consumption session – everybody had to greet his immediate neighbours, then to lie on the sunbed – reading something or sleeping. From time to time a quick swim in the sea followed by a change of the swimsuit – some showing their naked a.. to everybody, others rather shy hiding it under the beach towel.
Some walking on the beach, a few guys even trying some water sports – and after a few hours getting up to eat something delicious. But before that they had to change clothes to give a more respectable ambience to the procedure.
The restaurants at the pool or the beach were organised similar to the beach storage place. Long rows of tables, lots of chairs and a small space in-between. In the middle the so-called buffet. A placed filled with all kind of delicacies mostly looking slightly worn because they were cooked many hours ago and kept somewhere a little bit warm. Everybody had to fill his/her plate, then to eat the whole stuff as quickly as possible to return to their beach sunbeds.
In the evening the same procedure. By now the eating procedure had to be interrupted by drinking a kind of wine everybody received in great quantities.
Well, after these different fattening events everybody seemed to be quite relaxed and in the mood for some adventures. Given the average age of most participants they decided to go to some shows. There they could definitely just have a look without taking proper initiatives or to empty a few more glasses of rotten grapes at the bar.
Then to bed. The next day the same procedure.
After 3 days we are still not at a final conclusion on the objective of this strange place. It definitely resembles to an animal husbandry, these agro-industries fattening poor chicken or pigs. But those poor animals are raised for human consumption. And this final destiny we could definitely not observe with our poor co-inhabitants. They also disappear after a certain time. But everybody confirmed that they just go to the airport to fly back home and to tell their families how well they have lived in this place.
Whatever, by now we much better understand that we should not eat industrially produced chicken, beef or pork. We’ve experienced somehow the life of these poor animals. Nevertheless, we’ll not move to a vegan, fanatically veggie oriented lifestyle.
Somehow, we even feel pity with the inhabitants of an anthill.